About Us
SOCIÉTÉ is integral wholesale based on futurist vision, determination, hard work, and passion was the path a young Qatari woman took a place since she was 25 years old, After working for years to build her brand and concept with her dreams and a gleam of hope in her eye, opened the doors to a small bakery with the intentions of distributing the love and spirit of her modernist art through fine bakery and pastries that would be unmatched anywhere in both taste and quality.
The walls of our bakery are now decorated with dozens of her personal teachings and recipes and plaques recognizing the endless contributions her dream inspired. Today, the bakery is operated Meshereib, with an extraordinary family of 10 employees who continue our vision embedded in SOCIÉTÉ family values. They constantly strive to offer the quality and truly superior products that Société have become nationally known for. This relentless pursuit of quality and a passion to be the best.
Société is a holding group supported by Qatar development bank, consists of an integral wholesale bakeshop /distributers of European breads and pastry products and consultancy and training agency specialized in mass production of multi kinds of breads, haute couture platted desserts, cakes sandwiches and creative catering.
The name SOCIÉTÉ has been registered as a trademark in Qatar / Internationally to insure collaborations are associated with this brand Identity.
SOCIETE Artisan Bakery believe in the vital importance of nutrition and healthy eating. Our qualified staff collaborates with our clients and develop diverse menus while respecting hygiene rules and food safety to the letter, continuous verification of all the food manufacturing processes ensures optimal quality When we design our restaurants, our first priority is to make them as pleasant an convenient. We believe that this aspect of our service expresses our ongoing passion for excellence about the standard of living.
- Uncompromising Standards in Health, Safety and Hygiene
- SOCIETE is a HACCP ISO 22000 certified by the Food Standards Agency and continuously reviews practices
in line with regulations of Qatar Municipality and Environmental Health & Safety to ensure ongoing improvements, - ensuring complete peace of mind for our team and our customers alike.
- Hygiene and Sanitation itself is a big issue that includes machinery, equipment and personnel, architecture of the kitchen, stocking and processing of food supplies, as well as cleaning and maintenance.